File Information Metadata

to get file metadata

POST <base_url>/port/api/v1/commerce/fileMetadata

Please replace <base_url> as explained here. Please note that file information metadata is different from SRR metadata.


Multiple files

When requesting for multiple files:

If all files are found in our buckets and the requested is authorized for the access, the response is going to succeed and include the respective information per requested file. However in any other case the response status is not 200 and the return information will be only including inaccessible files that is <= the requested files.

Use case

If the file information metadata exists, it means the file is ready to be included in Issue & Transfer SRR call.


Request Body

The API responds with 200 if the check to the storage provider success. Bear in mind that client’s back end needs to check the results[*].message if there is a problem with each file.

Swagger Endpoint (Test Environment)

Swagger to test

Required Permissions

Check the parent page.

Request Body Example

// Example for thumbnail
  "payload": [
      "filename": "thumbnail.jpg",
      "category": "non_attachment_file"

// Example for contract terms
  "payload": [
      "filename": "contract.pdf",
      "category": "non_attachment_file"

// Example for other categories
  "payload": [
      "filename": "certificate.pdf",
      "category": "certificate"

Code Example

Check parent page.

Last updated

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