Version 1.0
Attribute | Description | data format | Example |
$schema* | IPFS URL to the schema JSON the given metadata follows. Fixed value for Metadata Version 1.1 in example value. | URL | ipfs://bafkreibjnxxlgz7myci2u6vpxqkqybiuahlmg4w7sqnajelovxktfsm5om |
historyType* | History Type. | string | restoration |
restorerLUWs* | Restorer LUW | Array of string | [ "0x8DFea3525EE810A7FEa886Fee69c57e68B5d5052" ] |
period* | An object that contains time information of the custom history. | object | { "from": "2020-01-23", "to": "2020-03-21" } |
period.from* | Period from | string | 2020-01-23 |* | Period to | string | 2020-03-21 |
attachmentFiles* | Information regarding the proof files. | Array of object | [{ "hash": "sha256-247e4b904322a1dd0b148cd77e8627ec7d391251380880ab4621726ecb945ef5" }] |
attachmentFiles[*].hash* | SHA256 of the proof files. | string | sha256-247e4b904322a1dd0b148cd77e8627ec7d391251380880ab4621726ecb945ef5 |
Complete Example
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